A Change for the Better

Sue Mann

All parents want what's best for their kids.

girl painting on wall

My name is Sue Mann. I am a mother of two children that had both APD (Auditory Processing Disorder) and VPD (Visual Processing Disorder). For many years, I was constantly worried and stressed trying to figure out how I could help my kids get through another day of school. Both my daughter and son hated school. Being a responsible parent, I forced them to attend school every day. After all, isn't that what we parents are supposed to do?

During the long search to find answers we tried every type of counselor, therapist, program, and doctor. I can't tell you how many parent-teacher meetings I attended. Only to be told that both of my children were more than capable of doing their school work but did not apply themselves. Ironically, the last thing that my children wanted to do was to disappoint anyone, including their teachers. This is where my journey started. I was going to do whatever I felt was necessary to help my children reach their full potential.

As difficult as this whole process has been, I was very fortunate to meet some of the very best doctors in the country (United States). With great care and patience, these highly dedicated experts finally helped me understand why my children could not do their school work. I can tell you it was music to my ears when Dr. Leah Light and Dr. Christina Murray, O.D. told me that they could help both of my children. But what impressed me the most was their reassurance that in the end, both of my kids would thrive at school. And that is exactly what happened.

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It is a relief to know that my children are doing their school work now by themselves without any or little help from me. No more tears at homework, and they go to school happy every day. Looking back, I wish that I had found these doctors and all of the other resources earlier. However, now I realize that this process is what lead me to begin this journey to help raise awareness for Processing Disorders, not only in the United States but worldwide.

I recently reached out to the Florida Board of Education to learn if APD and VPD were mentioned in any code or law pertaining to learning disabilities. Of course, they are not mentioned. But what I did learn is that every state must comply with Federal Law Sec 1401 (30). Unfortunately, processing disorders are not included. So the Mission of my Non-Profit (Bright Minds Processing) is to raise awareness starting with Federal Law Sec 1401 (30). The fact is that VPD and APD are more common than any of the learning disabilities listed in this federal law. To make matters worst, if you talk to a teacher, they don't quite know what Processing Disorders are. Some teachers have never heard of it, and other teachers are aware of it but are not quite sure how it shows up in the classroom. In other words, some teachers know about it but don't know how to help.

Where do we go from here? The first step in Our Mission is to educate the teachers and school counselors to be able to identify students that are struggling (due to Processing Disorders) and point the Parents in the right direction. The second step is to help parents understand that their child needs to be diagnosed outside of school by an Audiologist who specializes in APD and/or an Optometrist who specializes in Vision Therapy. The third step is to meet with our local lawmakers and convince them to help us make changes to the Federal Law and bring the bill to Congress. Since Sec 1401 (30) is a federal law, all states must comply. It is necessary that we make these changes to help our children succeed in life. Like any parent, all mothers and fathers want what's best for their kids. This particular law has not changed in years. It is time we do something about it.

Please email me if you would like to group with fellow parents in your state so that you can also make a difference.


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