hard work is not enough

Being blessed with a gifted child (children)

Being blessed with a gifted child can be very challenging for a parent and the child. Most people think that gifted kids are off the charts with academics! This is not always true as a lot of gifted kids skyrocket in sports or arts and might be extremely passionate about animals and farms. These gifted kids who struggle in school might appear like they have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) as they can't focus on subjects that they have absolutely no interest in. For these kids, a regular school is stifling to them and most times private schools focus on preparing the students for college or high academics. For the creative, talented gifted child, these schools would be their worst nightmare.

Gifted children are very different from mainstream school kids, as they are usually incredibly sensitive and highly intellectual. Although studies have shown that after the age of twelve, they start to balance out and can blend into mainstream schools; this does not take away from them wanting to be creative and follow their passion for whatever they are interested in. Gifted kids have a really hard time finding friends and constantly feel that they do not fit in anywhere.

On a more positive note, gifted kids will shine at whatever their passion is, given the proper environment, they will thrive in the tech and engineering world, sports and designing, or whatever triggers their brilliant and unique brain.

1 in 5 kids

1 in 5 kids at school has some form of Processing disorders and gifted kids are no different. It is worse for gifted kids as they can have a high IQ but cannot do their school work. The testing process for being gifted (which is a learning difference in most States) is taking an IQ test and scoring above 130. But how can a gifted child pass this type of test if they have APD and VPD? If a gifted child has been deemed with a low IQ (due to a low score on an IQ test) with the right diagnosis and therapy, they can go back and take the very same test and score over 130.

Girl flying on Book
boy talking on the phone

Quantitative Assessment Test

There is a Quotative Assessment Test which Dr. Linda Silverman from the Colorado Gifted Center believes is a better way of testing gifted children. With this assessment, parents and teachers will find out if there are other learning differences that make a gifted child, twice-exceptional (Gifted 2E).


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