Sue Mann CEO

Non-profit President

Learn more about Ms. Mann
Advocate for Parents of Children with Auditory and Visual Processing Disorders

Florida's Annual College of Optometrists in Vision Development (COVD) conference

Sue Mann, President.

With the generosity of several supporters, Bright Minds Processing was able to invite Michelle Kotler to attend Florida's Annual College of Optometrists in Vision Development (COVD) conference also known as their Annual Study Group. It was an honor for us to be invited and be able to attend every lecture. We met so many great Vision Development Optometrists whose practice covers most Cities in Florida.

Michelle Kotler was a special education teacher and advocate for children with learning differences in the Baltimore area before she went on to practice law. Michelle continued to be an advocate for children with learning disabilities. I am a retired Police Officer who spent most of my career helping the community in a high-crime area. While sharing our life experiences we realized that our paths were similar in many ways. We both worked in high-crime areas advocating and helping families. We are passionate to help children get the help that they deserve and consider this type of work extremely rewarding and some of the best times of our careers.

During the COVD conference, Michelle gave an incredible presentation on the laws pertaining to Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) laws regarding kids with learning disabilities. She explained in detail about the children she fought for and the results she was able to achieve. Michelle filed a complaint to the IDEA so that any child with "any" disability that limits them in education, shall get the services that they need (this is my interpretation of what she presented). The Federal Government agreed with Michelle, and the law was changed so that 13 learning disabilities are now covered under Sec. 300.8 Child with a disability-Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

Governing agencies are notified about any laws or amendments while they are being changed, and again when they have passed into law. Once again, they are notified to amend their laws to comply as Federal Law supersedes State Law. Michelle brought to our attention the fact that Florida did not change their laws to comply with the IDEA laws. Michelle will be filing a complaint immediately. For us parents, we commend Michelle on her hard work and advocacy for the families she fights for. We look forward to attending the Annual National COVD conference to raise awareness and learn more about these hidden learning disabilities.

Special thanks to Dr. Pauline Buck- Miami, Chair of Florida COVD, who invited us to the Study Group and allowed us to share our stories with doctors and professionals who are big advocates for kids and Vision Development.


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