
Visual Processing Disorder

School children in classroom

Visual processing disorder (VPD), is a condition that affects the way the brain interprets visual information. This can lead to difficulties with tasks such as reading, writing, and completing visual puzzles. In order to determine if you or your child may have VPD, it is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of this condition. In this article, we will provide a checklist of common symptoms associated with VPD to help you identify if you or your child may be struggling with visual processing disorder.

How to Identify a Vision Problem:

Children should be referred for a comprehensive eye exam whenever visual symptoms are noticed or if they are not achieving their potential. Many of these vision problems will not be detected during a school vision screening or limited vision assessment as part of a school physical or routine pediatric health evaluation.

It is also helpful for you and your child's teacher(s) to review the following list of symptoms to gain a full understanding of possible conditions your child may be experiencing.

boy bored doing homework

For more information about vision therapy visit the OCVD website Vision Problem

In conclusion, visual processing disorder (VPD) is a condition that can affect the way you or your child perceives and interprets visual information. Remember, it is important to work closely with a healthcare professional to develop a treatment plan that is tailored to your specific needs. With the right support and strategies, it is possible to improve visual processing skills and live a fulfilling life.


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